Accomodation Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz BERLIN  BERLIN
Trustrup Midtjylland ØST    Berlin Metropolitan Region
Hoteller Trustrup  Hotels accomodationBERLIN  
Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz

Relax and enjoy the atmosphere at the centrally located Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz. The hotel boasts a summer terrace, Wi-Fi Internet access and an underground car park. Guests on longer stays can borrow a Smart car and there is a free 10-minutemassage every Thursday. The 323 sq. ft. (30 m2) suites are spacious and equipped with everything you could possibly need incl. shower, tub, separate toilet, kitchenette, free safe, microwave, and Suite Box with free Internet access and video-on-demand.

Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz BERLIN ligger i BERLIN, og kan tilbyde dig et velbeliggende Hotel.
Hvis du vælger Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz BERLIN, eller bare en velfortjent pause på Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz BERLIN, kan du opleve følgende, blandt mange andre attraktioner i BERLIN.

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Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz   Suite Novotel Berlin Potsdamer Platz Berlin